Friday 14 November 2014

Blog post 7

Show week!
       This week will be a test to show how we all work together. We have done lots of different teamwork exercises but as this is our first show as a group; it will be great for us all to come together, help one another and enjoy the experience of performing with a completely new cast for us all. All actors come across different types of other actors: those who can randomly pull off a brilliant show without much effort in rehearsals, those who learn their lines in the space of one evening (usually the night before the show), some who don't give it all on 'the night', nerves over-power some or the opposite, nerves make some over confident.  All of this is yet for us to discover as we get to know each other through performances over these next two years. Once getting onto this course; the main thing that excited me was meeting new people that I knew I would become friends with due to the simple fact that we all enjoy acting; and I know from my stressful weekend due to other issues, that these people our my closest friends and I cant wait to see them all act under the pressure of a performance to an audience!

Three extremely successful shows are complete...

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