Saturday 21 February 2015

Character profile

My characters name is Alice Coles. She is 26 and born on the 7th of February 1989.
Her occupation is a simply office job, filing papers to folders. The hours are inconsistent and she rarely shows up to work as she would much rather spend time at Dr Joes office.
She has been in a long term relationship with her boyfriend for 6 years now and they own a dog together and no children or sign of marriage.

Less than a year ago, Alice began visiting Dr Joe therapist sessions due to an abusive relationship with her boyfriend. The boyfriend would often threaten Alice and physically abuse her. She had a nice selection of friends who persuaded her to go and see someone about her relationship issues and with much persuading she did. Dr Joe really helped her and as Alice began to open up more and see Dr Joe more the affair happened. Dr Joe is married which meant the affair was always kept a secret and was kept in the confines of the office. Alice had brushed off the abusive boyfriend so she is single and really into Billy (Dr Joe). Billy played by Frank, begins to realise where this is going because each time they had their 'session' Alice became more and more obsessive over how her and Dr Joe should make it official, and that she really did love him, and why they couldn't ever meet up outside of his work etc etc. 
Things then began to get overly obsessive. Alice has become more of a character whom fell in love but now that Dr Joe doesn't take much notice of her she feels the need to try even harder. This obsessiveness lead to Alice loosing out on normal social life with her friends so now she still has people to talk to but noone really close to her as a friend; apart from Dr Joe of course!

Alices home life was fairly normal, however her nan had serious OCD and this rubbed off on her mum and then onto her- as OCD is often a genetic problem. But her OCD wasn't obvious until the obsessivness with Dr Joe appeared. Her mum worked in a pre-school and her dad a car salesmen which meant her family had a good wage to live off of. Her house, and nice three bedroom and decently sized. Alice was an only child with no pets to grow up with just her imagination.
She was a very imaginative child who was always happy to be sat alone playing and amusing herself-she wasn't always that sociable but she adored her dad. (More fond of the male side of her family)
     Home and childhood environment can often heavily impact a child which has lead Alice to be very fond of Dr Joe as he reminds her of her dad. She is happy alone but that only lasted through her childhood, being alone can be boring so when she found both her boyfriend and Dr Joe she was quite content. 

Alice is a very obsessed character and everything and anything is about Dr Joe. Everything she does is about him or thinking of him or for him. Her relationship with her previous boyfriend was fairly normal into the abusivness kicked in. She looked for protection and real love with Billy and as soon as that fantasy was taken away she was determined to get it like what she had with her father. 
Both her parents died when Alice was out of the childhood house and living and managing alone so this wasn't a huge lifestyle change for her. 
Alice is a really interesting character and I think the more I make her obsessed the more her childhood and background will become apparent to the audience which I think is key for them to understand why she is like this...

My costume was originally going to be all black like the others (excluding Frank who would be wearing a white shirt and black tie.) But coincidentally I was wearing a white shirt and bow-tie (a casual outfit for me) Deborah insisted that this should be my outfit- copying Franks outfit. So my costume is now the women version of a shirt and tie. I can definitely see the link between the two costumes and it just highlights the obsession my character has even more which is great. 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog thus far is off an excellent standard, well done! You have documented your group and your own personal process of devising week by week to an excellent level of detail. You have discussed how you worked with the ideas via experimentation, how you moved forward with ideas and the group's rationale for rejecting other ideas

    You have clearly identified how your response to the stimulus, abstract imagination and positive co-operation in your approach will impact upon the end performance.

    You discuss the way in which your work is being influenced by further stimulus (i.e. relationships/mental health/secrets etc) and the practitioners (Berkoff) / devised performance work (DV8/Frantic etc) are referenced as influential over your style. Your writing is clear, concise and you include such references, alongside subjective and objective opinions to a high standard.

    Your blog would benefit from the following if you have time:
    - Cite some of (not all of) the skills and techniques developed in your physical theatre sessions.
    - Reference quotes book(s) from the library or website (on the assignment brief)
    which discuss performing a role/character study/devising theatre/or any of the practitioners you have been influenced by
    - In your evaluation go back to the original stimulus and evaluate what (from the following) has transpired in your final performance: feelings, stories, themes, colours, inspiration, thoughts, ideas, character and dramatic potential.

    Well done!
