Wednesday 29 October 2014

Drama school research #3

Italia Conti:
My current course is at South Downs College, Level 3 Acting Extended Diploma
The grades that I have are;
·         English Language B
·         English Literature B
·         Mathematics D (In progress)
·         Science Additional E
·         Science C
·         French C
·         Business and Communications A
·         Ethics and Philosophy C
·         Geography C
·         Drama C
·         Media (Btec) D*
Modules covered in college so far;
Stanislavski, Chekhov, Physical Theatre (Frantic Assembly), Voice work, Developing characters, Relaxation methods, Alexander Techniqe and Character profiles.

Extra-Curricular activities related to Drama- Merchistoun Hall Youth Arts (MHYA) is an out of ‘school’ drama club. Joined August 2013.
The skills that I have are organised, confident, reliable, polite, approachable.
Skills, qualities and experience I’ve yet to gain are; a attitude ‘teacher-like’, strict, to-the-point, experience in teaching, working with children.

My career aim/ aspirations?
I would like to become an actress and to perform on stage in various theatres, be in musicals or even feature on a television/radio show. I want to experience all types of theatre and acting.
I would also love to teach Drama to secondary school students.

How do I get there?
Italia Conti
BA (Hons) Acting degree programme (18 years +)

The course aims are “to provide a comprehensive acting training, and to equip graduates to work in the acting profession.” ( The skills taught on this course in the first year are Stanislavski’s system, Chekov, Shakespeare, group projects, acting, movement, voice, singing.
       In the second year,
Commedia del’ arte, Contemporary world theatre and Jacobean theatre.
In the final year the school focusses on mainly just practise for the future profession. Students will take part in a large range of performances as practise. This final year is all set out professionally, including auditions, meetings and rehearsal circumstances. Students also get the opportunity to work with a film company to experience film acting.

Finance options:
There is a small fee of £45 for audition and applying. There is no information for the prices of this course however as a rough estimate it will  be between £9000 to £14,000. F

Why is this course for me?
This course is for me because they focus on, in the final year, purely on experiences of the theatre industry with the professional audition process. Everything comes with practise and if, after this course, I can say a list of shows that I’ve been in, whatever size the character is, this then shows that I’ve had practise in the industry and am used to the process of being on stage, in front of an audience. I feel that acting is easier said than done, so if I can leave Conti with lots more theatre experience then I will be ready to jump straight into auditioning.

My current skills relate to experience in radio; as at school we had the opportunity to create our own radio station. I've done small roles of film acting but I have only been taught in theatre acting so I would it would be interesting to experience film acting fully which Conti can help me to do so, in the final year. 
     All this previous experience and ones that I will continue to learn or learn at Conti will help me to fully understand each and every element of acting covering the entire aspects of it to help me become a knowledgeable actor, allowing me to begin to audition for theatre, TV, film, radio and even musicals. In my second year at college we will cover film and radio which will also help me to enter this course with some knowledge to present and extend on, especially in the film project in the final year.

Alumni of Italia Conti:
Some of the well-known singers, comedians and models:
Russel Brand
Kelly Brooks
Pixie Lott

Post-training: There will be no need for any training after this course, but experience is always asked for from theatre companies so I would go straight into the audition process. 

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