Wednesday 24 September 2014

Personal Voice Assesment

Personal Voice Assesement

1: being Strongly disagree
5: being Strongly agree

For, “Good, clear voice production” I rate myself a 3. I know that I can project my voice well enough; however I don’t do it other than when I've been reminded to. This is key to acting because the audience need to hear the actor clearly to understand the scene.
 I think I have a rating of 3 for my articulation however there is room for improvement, especially when I’m nervous.
When I am nervous, I know that I speed up my words which make them unclear to the audience. So my pace was rated at a 2.
Good variety in tone and pitch was rate at a 3; because I can do this but when I know the character well, lines and movements on stage to feel comfortable to experiment.
My breath control, at a 3, is good. However it decreases in rating if I become nervous; relating back to my Pace.

Problem 1: I need to PROJECT my voice. I do this a lot because I’m quietly spoken. I’m improving this however it needs to louder for the audience to be able to enjoy the play!
A cure would be to do voice warm ups before going on-stage. And to make sure I get feedback on my voice projection each time I perform so I know how to improve.

Problem 2: Verify my tone and pitch. Sometimes if I focus too much on getting my lines correct I lose my voice/tone/accent/pitch.
A cure would be to do a skills session for some tips.

Problem 3: Make sure ALL lines are delivered clearly.
And to cure this is practise, practise and practise.

At the start of our term we briefly looked over our voices by filling in a Personal voice assessment sheet. From this I discovered that I have good, clear voice production, good articulation, variety in tone and pitch and also good breath control. I've also written things to improve on such as projection of the voice, making sure words are all said clearly and the pace of the words I say needs to be slower. I think, progressing on from the beginning of term that one I do need to improve on the projection of my voice, secondly the pace and breath control needs to improve. 

My vocal health: I think is 'okay'. Sometimes I feel as though I am getting a sore throat, which reminds me that I perhaps need to rest my voice more. And I also know that, although I don't have dairy milk, I eat a lot of other dairy products such as cheese, butter and chocolate. Cutting down on this will generally boost my health, so I think exercise would do me some good. I drink lots of water, which helps my voice, but there are still times which I think I should have drunk more to stop my voice straining, especially when I laugh too much. 

So ways to improve my vocal health would be to cut down on dairy products, especially chocolate. To do more exercise, as that will improve my general health which will have an affect on my vocal health. And finally to drink more water, which for one will help my voice and secondly prevent me from getting headaches. 

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